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Updated: Mar 21, 2020

I shared a shorter version of this update with family & close friends but I thought I’d share with you all as well since you mean SO MUCH to me! Well, it’s been almost a year since I was laid-off from AT&T.  After 22 years (more than half of my life), that was most definitely the hardest thing I’ve been through and I’ve been through some shizz... I never thought I’d be over 40, with a disabled husband who can’t work, no job to protect us, no insurance, nothing.  That job was also a lot of my identity.  I didn’t go to college, I didn’t excel in school but dammit, I got up, I went to work ON TIME every day, I worked hard, and learned as much as I could.  It was something to be proud of, and I was.  In the end, I had sacrificed so much of my personal life, and I get rewarded by getting dumped when we needed stability the most?  What had I killed myself for during all those years??? Two months of absolute terror (before my last day) + two weeks of no sleep = an accidental overdose of prescribed medication which then landed me in the psyche ward for the weekend.  (Due to life circumstances, the ER folks thought I was trying to commit suicide but I was released 3 days later when they realized that wasn’t the case.)  I’m sure that’s shocking to most but I don’t mind talking about it at all and if you have any questions or need to talk, send me a message.  I think we should all talk about our struggles more, it’s healthy for others to know that they aren’t alone.   There are a few things I miss about that job like some of the people, the 8-5, the working from home, the paycheck (obvi 😉), but mostly I miss being THE Go-To girl for my system.  People would call in a panic and 99% of the time I’d fix their mess.  As much as I bitched, I did love it almost as much as I loved hearing, “THANK GOD it’s YOU” when I answered the phone at the customer care help desk 20 years ago.  (Everyone else in the group was RUDE to reps when they called & asked for help.)   In April we were dealt a HUGE blow when our license to provide medical marijuana was not renewed because of being inside City Limits.  This is the only thing my husband can do now due to his illness and needing to medicate throughout the day.  I didn’t talk about it as openly since we operated out of our private home and had patients who NEEDED their privacy. Fortunately, through our several years of being providers, we met some absolutely amazing people.  Long story short,  within the next couple of weeks, my husband and I are re-opening as Ember in Billings.  At first we will provide medicine on delivery, until we can find a good location for a dispensary.   DON’T WORRY, Canna of Eden is not going anywhere.  Obviously I will need more help as time goes on but the awesome WHITNEY (who most of you know & trust) is on-board and ready to help!   This has been a year of struggles but at the end of the day I’ve realized that my life purpose is to be a caregiver in some capacity.  My parents were both disabled so it’s been this way my whole life and I do love it!   So if you or someone you know needs a medical marijuana provider in the Billings/Laurel/Shepherd area, please give me a call or text at 406-224-4443 (two 2s, four 4s, and a 3 - cool number, huh? lol!).  I am happy to answer any questions and help folks through the process.  There is NOTHING to be afraid of, I’m happy to help!

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