Hey All,
I'm sorry I've been so quiet lately, it seems I either overshare constantly or go completely silent...but that's me. lol I'll try to make these quick...I hope....
Lots of new things in the office, patient supplies (vaporizers, cart batteries, e-straws, mouthpieces with filters, Dab Sponges, etc...), new topicals, a clearance bin, and the most important, NEW TINCTURES AND CAPSULES!!!! I FINALLY found my UNICORN of a supplier and I couldn't be happier! Guess what that means for you? STRONGER tinctures at WAY lower prices! Take a look at the website!!
As most of you know, my car was totaled June when I was t-boned by a Dominoes driver on the driver's side. I had been lucky with our weather being so nice all fall/early winter but took some much needed time at home during our crazy 2 weeks of below freezing weather & we got like, 16 inches of snow in 3 days? Crazy! But I'M BACK in the office pretty regularly M-F & happy to do appointments on Saturday too. Just text to make sure I'm here when you need but I should be...it feels so good to be back!
Back in September 2020, doctors found "pre-cancer" cells on my nose from a little thing that wouldn't heal. I mean, if I put our topicals on something and it doesn't heal, that's BAD! So they said we'd check it in December but the sample area hadn't healed yet by then either. They took a larger sample and decided it was cancer that would need to be removed. Now, I'm not overly vain (you know me, I rarely even wear make up) but the two samples had left a big hole in the tip of my nose which I didn't really care for and they had to CUT OUT MORE???? I was worried but it had to be done. The Moh's procedure is a bit barbaric...I didn't have ANY sedation at all (well, I mean...a little of our medicine but that wears off pretty fast under that kind of stress), they took 3 samples before they got it all, and then had to do a little reconstructive surgery. In total, we were there for over 5 hours and let's just hope I don't have to do that again! I have pictures but I won't gross you out...just know that it's been only one month and the healing is leaps & bounds ahead where ANYONE thought it would be!
The last update I'll post here is the HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW March 5, 6, & 7!!!! After we didn't have hardly any events last year, I am OVER THE MOON EXCITED to see everyone! I expanded to a double booth so come check out everything! You can find me in the main room of the show, back half, almost in the middle.
Thanks for everyone for your support, kind words, cards, and well wishes! I'm very lucky to have such amazing folks like you in my "circle"!